Tendenza del mercato internazionale del solfato di ammonio nella seconda settimana di novembre 2018

Solfato d'ammonio: Tendenza del mercato internazionale del solfato di ammonio nella seconda settimana di novembre 2018

fonte: Zhongyu informazioni aggiornate: 2018-11-16 17:24:41

11.8-11.15 Tendenze del mercato internazionale (da fonti estere)

Baltico / Mar Nero: Le vendite nel Mar Baltico e nel Mar Nero sono ancora limitate, with producers supplying more to the local market. Financial/political issues have left Turkey largely untouched. The SBU still has no ammonium sulfate, which will provide up to $145/ton fob to the Baltic Sea. The high price of the Black Sea is nominally at $150-155/ton FOB. Secondo i rapporti, Grodno Azot venduto 5,000 tons of standard ammonium sulphate at a price of US$138/ton FOB Klaipeda. Ammonium sulfate producer Kuibyshevazot has been discontinued due to the supply of benzene Stavrolen until mid-December. This will result in a reduction of 3,000-5,000 tons/month of ammonium sulfate from November to December.

Northwestern Europa: Standard ammonium sulphate is stable at 125-130 Euro / tonnellata FOB Anversa. IL 2 mm particle ammonium sulfate trade price is 160-165 Euro / tonnellata FOB Anversa, and the 3 mm granular ammonium sulfate price delivered in February is 210 Euro / tonnellata FOB Anversa. Secondo i rapporti, the price of small single standard ammonium sulfate is 146-147 Dollari americani / tonnellate FOB Europa nordoccidentale. It is said that this week, a buyer in the Baltic Sea is quoted at $138-142/ton FOB Antwerp.

tacchino: It is unclear whether Gubretas tendered 20,000 tonnellate di solfato di ammonio granulare e 30,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulphate on November 2nd. Toros is said to have tendered for ammonium sulphate on November 14.

America Centrale: Importer Incofe tends to purchase 21,000 tonnellate di solfato di ammonio, DAP and MAP. The Asian trading company Merrycorn has a total of about 47,000 tons of fertilizer purchased from China. Shipping costs are estimated at $24-26/ton. The deal includes 21,000 tons of ammonium sulphate purchased from China at a price of $117-118/tonne FOB. The goods will be unloaded in various Central American markets, including Colombia and Guatemala.

Brasile: The season of safrinha is almost covered, and interest in new singles is not high. Brazil has a large supply of goods, especially from China, and has already completed a portion of the cargo, which is expected to end in November. China’s extruded pellets are priced at $195-200/tonne CFR, and European producers are targeting $215/tonne CFR, reaching $205-210/tonne CFR. The latest data shows that as of the end of December, there were 426,000 tonnellate di solfato di ammonio tra i 13 vessels arriving at the Brazilian port. This is roughly similar to last week. China’s ammonium sulphate continues to dominate, accounting for more than 90% del totale.

Cina: The sales price of caprolactam ammonium sulfate is maintained at USD 117-119/ton FOB. Manufacturers have a large number of parking, and the next price intention of the manufacturer is 120 Dollari americani / tonnellata FOB. Haili, Saning, Luxi, Juhua, Suibao and Shenma were also closed due to various turnovers. It is said that the operating rate is about 70%. Secondo i rapporti, Raintrade has purchased two 30,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulphate shipments to Turkey. One batch is shipped in November and the next batch is December. The price was not disclosed. Squeezed granular ammonium sulfate quoted at $152-155/ton fob and some sellers tried to quote higher quality granular ammonium sulfate higher than $150/ton fob.

Malaysia: Un lotto di 6,000 tons of Chinese caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate bidding price is $140/ton cfr Lahad Datu.

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