Международный рынок тенденция сульфата аммония в третьей неделе апреля 2018

Сульфат аммония: Международный рынок тенденция сульфата аммония в третьей неделе апреля 2018

Источник: Zhongyu Дата: 2018-4-20 16:01:50

4.12-4.19 Международная динамика рынка (из зарубежных источников)

Центральная Америка: Согласно тендеру апреля 12, Incofe купил 24,000 тонн капролактама сорта сульфата аммония и 3,000 tons of granular ammonium sulphate from Trammo for shipment to Guatemala and El Salvador. The price of caprolactam grade ammonium sulfate is $130/ton CFR. Trammo is expected to import from China.

Китай: На этой неделе, the limited supply of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulphate has caused a slight rebound in fob levels in China. Equipment inspections by several manufacturers cut shipments in May. For example, Haili has two plants, только о 10,000 тонн в мае. Other suppliers have pre-sold the supply in early May, the price fob 112-113 Доллары США / тон. The low price on the market is around fob110 USD/ton.

Индонезия: Pupuk Kujang purchased 5,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate from Aries at a price of cfr$124.95/ton in the purchase tender on April 13 and shipped it in containers. Aries is expected to import from China. AKP conducted a public inquiry on 22,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate and shipped it to Bella Bay and Dumai, Singapore. Non-container charges are generally cfr $130/ton or higher.

Малайзия: Non-Chinese caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate price is about US$125/ton CFR, and MMA-grade ammonium sulfate is high-priced at US$110/ton CFR.

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