International Market Trend ammoniumsulfaat in Week 1 van mei 2018

Ammoniumsulfaat: International Market Trend ammoniumsulfaat in Week 1 van mei 2018

Bron: Zhongyu Information Date: 2018-5-4 15:46:39

4.26-5.3 International Market Trends (uit buitenlandse bronnen)

China: De aanvoer van caprolactam-grade ammoniumsulfaat was in mei voldoende, and the fob price index did not change in a week. Er wordt geschat dat 15,000 tons of ammonium sulfate in Fuzhou has not yet been sold. Sinopec has sold out. Haili also has no supply, and the maintenance of Jiangsu company must last at least until the end of the month. Traders are trying to provide India with 30,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulphate and a small batch of ammonium sulphate for the Philippines. Vorig weekend, a trader sold 12,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate at a price of US$112/ton fob Nanjing. It was shipped in May and may be sent to Indonesia. Trammo purchased 28,000 tons of standard ammonium sulfate at a price of $111-112/tonne and purchased 5,000 tons of granular ammonium sulfate at $140/ton fob to pay for the Incofe bid.

Indonesië: Traders are looking for 30,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulphate shipped to India in May/June. Ammonium sulfate is unloaded at Kandla or Mundra on the west coast and Vizag or Kakinada in the east.

Filippijnen: Atlas will end two weekends of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate – a 7,000-tonne shipment to Batangas and Bacolod before May 31, a 6,000-tonne shipment to Sangi by June 5. Prior to this, Zhangpu’s cargo was being shipped to Bacolod. It will be completed by May 5. Swire ordered Japan’s ammonium sulphate at an undisclosed price. There were 12,000 tons of goods on the market and it will arrive in May.

Turkije: It is said that Eurochem has sold 15,000 tons of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulphate at a price of $125/ton Antwerp and shipped it in May.

Brazilië: Deze week, the European standard grade ammonium sulfate is sold at cfr 145-147 Amerikaanse dollars / jouw, and the granular ammonium sulfate price is c fr 190 Amerikaanse dollars / jouw. Indagro has a 60,000-ton ammonium sulfate vessel that will be sent to Paranagua from Qinhuangdao and Yantai in China on May 20-25.

Notitie: Kherson steel grade ammonium sulphate may be removed from the later weekly reports. Since the export trade of steel grades from the Black Sea has actually ceased, and now concentrated in the former Soviet Union, its production capacity of extruded pellets is increasing.

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